Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The office..

the Office Pictures, Images and Photos

hahah due to college life and me and priscilla being to poor to afford cable i got netflix!!! its only 9 dollars a month and i swear its the best thing since redbox! hahaha i love it! i watch degrassi and i can order church movies like errand of angels which by the way made me cry. I think serving a mission would be way awesome! i love going to temple square and just look at the temple and oh! the sister missionary are all so sweet. I look up to them alot.. anyway hahha thats not what this post is about..

Back to netflix and how amazing it is. I have been watching all the seasons of The office and i think its probably the most hilarious show on TV
office Pictures, Images and Photos
There has been a few episodes where i can not stop laughing.

and oh! jim hahha i have a crush on jim.. yep.
Jim Pictures, Images and Photos

so if you havent watched the office.. you should

Monday, March 29, 2010

well hello there blogspot! haha

I haven't written in this for a while..
well let me update you all on my life :]

Besides the fact that I'm in love with the Polynesian culture and i wish i was part Hawaiian or Samoan.. (is that weird?... oh well.. ) I'm Learning how to play the ukulele!! <3>
Im really excited i started out with breakdown by jack Johnson.
My cutting teacher is from Hawaii and hes way cool
.. so iv been thinking alot about working at a salon/spa in a resort in Hawaii!!! wouldn't that be awesome? iv been wanting to go to Hawaii since i can remember! and having the opportunity or living there for a couple of months would be my DREAM <3>
So moving on... since working at a resort would probably take up most of my day i thought about going to the local community college in hawaii while i save enough to possibly attend byu h ... but my plan was crushed as i thought about how important it is for me to return home.. oh well.. maybe in a few months or couple of years i may peruse my dream of living in hawaii..

I am such a firm beliver in fate. I know things happen for a reason and if you consult the lord in all your decisions made in life he will guide you to what is best... or at least it will be in the long run :]
but so far everything is good, me and priscilla are actually looking for a roomate so if any of you know of anyone that wants a privet room for summer/spring semester let me know its real cheap and its very nice.

on to another story. iv been working out everyday for 2 hours!!!! yep.. hard to believe but its true. it makes me alot happier and i fell accomplished.. hehe...plus it makes me feel good when girls from school tell me i look skinnier :D so summer I'm ready for ya!!! Even though i do wish i had my golds membership back so i could go to Zumba and kickboxing class.. dang i loved that mess!

Over all for the most part everything had been pretty good.. only 5 more months till i go home... gah i cant wait! Also my BFFie is coming to live with me for the summer.. ANNITA! hahah I'm super excited to have her spend time with me and show her how this whole college life works!
Im also pretty excited that the boyfriend gets to come visit for my birthday and my mom is buying me my own ukulele!!! finallyyyyyyyy
things are good..