Monday, August 30, 2010

only 21 more days in utah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

so let me update yall.

i took my state boards august 11th. Just so you guys know... state boards suck... especially for cosmetology/ barbering. Its just really hard.... but..
Thanks to long hours studying and practicing and lots of prayers from family and friends i was able to pass on the first try :]
i am currently waiting to take my 2000 written exam to get my license.
As most of you know by now... i had a plan to go teach elementary school english in mexico for a few months. I already have my plain ticket for September 20th 2010 but i got a call from the Regis salon in four seasons mall in greensboro norht carolina. Its a really nice salon with good pay and continuing education. so my life has once again flipped upside down and now i have a very important decision to make in just a few weeks to either leave my plain ticket.. take it.. or buy another one for NC

Right now due to my life being extremely crazy... i have decided to take my plain to mexico visit some family for a week and buy another plain ticket from there to go back home and make it on time for my interview.

I dont know how things will turn out.. but i do know that if i follow the guidance of the lord, i will be where i need to be.

Even though i am 2 months late from my original graduation date (july) haha. Things happen for a reason and i dont take anything back.

See you all in October!